•   Saturday, 15 Feb, 2025
BISSESSUR Rishideo has bagged Asia Excellence Nurse Educator Award

BISSESSUR Rishideo has bagged Asia Excellence Nurse Educator Award

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Short Life-Story of Mr BISSESSUR Rishideo

Born on the 19th of January 1980 on a Saturday morning at 9:15 am at Dr A.G Jeetoo Hospital. There had been torrential rain for nearly 20 days consecutively. Many regions in Mauritius were affected by huge flood. His father has faced many difficulties to take his son back home as the roads were very frightening with the massive flood. Many rivers were overflowing and it was very frightening to cross the rivers.

Coming from a middle-class family of 3 children, 2 sons and 1 daughter, Mr R. Bissessur being the elder has faced many difficulties since childhood. His mother was a housewife and later had to go to work in the factory to help his father who was a mason employed by the Government of Mauritius.

Since childhood Mr R. Bissessur had a dream to move ahead in life. He was a brilliant student at school and had the potential to come first in class at primary education level. During his childhood, Mr R. Bissessur was a very obedient child and always helped his parents to take care of his siblings younger than him. He was always praised and well admired by his family members. His parents had struggle to finance his secondary education like to pay for his books and tuition fees.

Having seen his parents struggling and due to his obedient nature, Mr R. Bissessur decided to do some small work to finance himself for his studies and help his parents. He joined a shop whereby he was a helping in selling bags and other commodities in the shop. He was well appreciated by the shopkeeper and was given flexibility to work on Saturday afternoon and Sundays to earn some money. In the weekdays Mr R. Bissessur was attending college to complete his secondary education.

In 1999, Mr R. Bissessur completed the secondary education with flying colours at Higher Secondary School level. On 15th May 2000, at the age of 20 he joined the Nursing profession as a Student Nurse and completed his training successfully to become a qualified nursing officer. He obtained a Certificate in General Nursing on June 2003.

In the year 2004, Mr R. Bissessur opted to move ahead with his work and studies to realize his dream of moving ahead in life. He was enrolled with the University of South-Africa to complete his Bachelor of Arts (CUR) in Nursing Science with Health Sciences Education and Health Services Management which he completed successfully in November 2007. As a qualified nurse from the 2003, Mr R.Bissessur has worked in the following wards and units, Neurosurgical, Orthopaedic, Burns, Medical, Cardiac ICU, Cardiac Angiography, Cardiac Surgery.

 In the year 2008 Mr R. Bissessur enrolled for a Honours Bachelor of Arts in Health Studies with Specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing Science-Critical Care General which he completed in 2009.

In August 2013, Mr R. Bissessur started to work as Resource Person/Guest Lecturer at the Central School of Nursing on a part-time basis to run the training courses of the Trainee Nurses recruited by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life.

In 2016, Mr R. Bissessur completed the “Neonatal Respiratory Therapy for Nurses by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life and started working as Trainer in delivering courses on Neonatal Critical Care Nursing for qualified nurses who wants to specialized in the Neonatal field. Along side he continued working as Resource Person/Guest Lecturer at the Central School of Nursing.

In August 2017, Mr R. Bissessur is enrolled for a Masters of Arts in Education which he completed in 2019 by the Unicaf University. He was graduated in May 2020.

In October 2019, Mr R. Bissessur joined the Central School of Nursing as a Nurse Educator and started delivering  lectures to Trainee Nurses on a full time basis. Till date he is still performing the job of  Nurse Educator.

From the year 2019 till date, Mr R. Bissessur has been working as Assessor in the field of Health Care Assisting by the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development. He was promoted ahead as Exam Organiser and Paper setter for the Health Care Assisting and   Care of Elderly at national level. He is also working with the Mauritius Examination Syndicate as a Moderator of Theory and Practical Examinations.

This year on 6th October 2024, Mr R. Bissessur was honoured with Doctorate of Philosophy in the specialized area of Nursing Education by The Thames International University.

Mr R Bissessur has always been grateful to his parents, grand-parents, family members, teachers, all people whom he encountered in his life to make him what he is today.

At last Mr R. Bissessur is send a special gratitude to God who has always paved his way to move ahead. 


I express my earnest gratitude to the ASIAN AWARDS committee and members for having considered me worth for the award and added more lights in my achievements and career ahead. 

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